The #1 Solution
For Your Card

Scan your cards with auto-cropping
Use the Pro for auto-documentation
List on & eBay!

What is Kronocard?

Scan your cards

You get a simple but powerful scanning module. It automatically associates the front and the back of each card and they are magically cropped without any intervention.

Document your cards

To document your cards, you are presented with a very efficient spreadsheet. Cut, paste, special right-click options – everything you need to document more than 300 cards per hour.
**Or use our artificial intelligence documentation!**

Manage your inventory

It is so incredible to be able to browse directly in your inventory. You can see what’s inside each box in each row and each section without manipulating your precious cards.

Sell your cards

You can list your card on or on eBay using the same software! Also, there are no listing fees on just 10% when you do sell.

Please make sure that you have created your account on first.

If you need help, you can book a live demo HERE

Ready To Give Kronocard A Try for Free?

The first software for card collectors that use artificial intelligence to document sports cards!


  • Microsoft Windows 8 and up
  • Scanner with TWAIN driver
  • Internet connection
  • Account on

For auto-feeder scanner support, take a look at that page: Supported Scanners

Free version limited to 250 AI documentations per month.

** IMPORTANT: For the moment Kronocard doesn’t works on Mac or Mobile.