Get the Kronocard Pro Lite with 5,000 credits of AI documentation for your cards!
Get the eBay connector 5,000 to list your cards faster on eBay!

Get Kronocard Pro AI
the eBay Connector 5000
For Three Months!
100% Risk-free!
Refundable if not satisfied
*This offer is exclusively available once per account. The deal is for 3 months only.
What you Can do with Kronocard
- Scanning using flatbed and auto-feeder scanners
- Sell on Kronozio.com and eBay
- Subscribe to eBay connector
- Manage offers Manage orders
- Powerful cards shipper
- Backup mechanism
- Unlimited cards in Kronocard
- Advanced card search. (Build your own searches)
- Sales report.
- Status icons in the Scan Groups window are clickable and open a group edition window.
- Edit group button in the message center
- Status filters in the Location (Box) window
- Extended buyer view in an Order Archive window
A world-first system that helps collectors document their cards using machine learning, artificial intelligence and computer vision!